- Business compliance services
- IFRS tax services
- National economics and statistics
- State and local tax services
- Tax return declaration
- Tax function effectiveness services
- Tax projects delivery group
- Tax services for private sector
- Application of Double taxation agreements
- Personal financial services
Kontabilitet dhe Raportim Financiar
- Bookkeeping
- Implementation of accounting systems (financial, cost and managerial accounting)
- Implementation of ERP Systems
- Accounting advisory services
- Preparation of Financial Statements according to NAS & IFRS
- Financial Statements Analysis
Auditim dhe Shërbime të Sigurisë
- Assurance services
- Regulatory compliance and reporting
- Sustainable business solutions
- Valuation services
- Bank loan covenants
- Capital adequacy ratios
- Inventory balances and inventory checking processes
- Revenue and accounts receivable balances
- Distributable retained earnings calculations
- Reconciliations between different financial reporting frameworks
- Capital projects & infrastructure
- Corporate finance
- Finance
- Operations
- Security
- Technology
- FS preparation under IFRS
- Review of FS
- IFRS training
Shërbime të Burimeve Njerëzore
- HR effectiveness
- HR transaction services
- HR recruitment
- HR training
- Payroll preparation and payroll declaration on tax IT system
- Compliance services with labor legislation
Risku dhe Kontrolli i Brendshëm
- Internal Audit
- Due diligence when buying, selling, or merging a business or part thereof
- Internal controls over financial reporting or corporate governance requirements
- Internal control system evaluation and implementation
- Third Party Assurance
- Process Assurance
- Governance, Risk and Compliance